Planets themselves occur in clusters of around six to form a sector. These leaders are Luke Skywalker and Mon Mothma for the Rebel Alliance and Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader for the Empire. The game ends when a player captures their enemy’s capital and its two leaders.

The game also gives a sense of trying to stay one step ahead of the Empire by giving the the ability to move their capital, while the Empire must remain fixed on Coruscant. The game tries to capture the feel of the Star Wars universe by clustering the Empire controlled planets in the core systems (middle of the map), while the Rebel Alliance’s planets are mainly found in the Outer Rim systems. The other planets in the game are distributed roughly even between the two factions and a neutral status. The Empire, naturally, starts with Coruscant as its capital. Occurring immediately after the Battle of Yavin the starts with Yavin IV as their capital planet. The game starts out pretty evenly balanced while trying to stay true to the franchise. Like many Star Wars games, this one pits the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, with the player choosing whichever side they wish.