This is done on Windows 8.1 with McAfee Anti-Virus 16.8 (I'll be trying this on my windows 7 PC later and will report back) This will both wake up the PC and complete the scan without Windows putting the scan to sleep. Your devices may still go to sleep while Windows is in sleep mode.I found a way to run a scan on a sleeping PC.

eg leave the hubs powered even during sleep mode. If you have a lot of USB stuff attached, the optional portion may cause your USB devices to act funny after shutting off/on from sleep mode, particularly Elgato Stream Deck, remedy this by removing the check to "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power". Optional - power management tab, check "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power", default should be checked but there has been instances where it was unchecked by default. Optional - check all your USB Hub, names may vary depending on your boards USB chipset. Optional - under universal serial bus controller My Glorious Model D doesn't wake the computer from movement, but clicking on the button wakes it. My logitech mice & Logitech KB doesn't wake the computer. Under Human Interface Devices > USB Input Device, HID Complaint Device, HID Compliant Consumer Control Devices and HID compliant vendor defined devices > Power Management Tab > uncheck allow this device to wake the computer. In the Power Management Tab, Uncheck "allow this device to wake the computer". Under Keyboards and Mice and other pointing devices. This will not stop windows from updating while it is on or you manually checking for updates.

Laptop users should really do this as it can heat up your laptop if you have it tucked away or in a bag. This will prevent windows update from waking up your computer / laptop from sleep mode at 4AM and applying a update. Scroll down to Sleep > Allow Wake Timers > Setting: Disabled (default is enabled) On your selected preferred plans > change plan settings

On the right side > Additional Power Settings Windows Search > Power > Power and Sleep Settings > Go to Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > UpdateOrchestrator Here is a few things I did and I never saw my computer wake up on its own again unless I wake it up.